Ukoliko te zanima na koji način se stereotipi i predrasude stvaraju i primenjuju u svakodnevnom životu, kako utiču na našu socijalizaciju i stavove koje imamo o “drugom” i “drugačijem”, ali i njihovoj povezanosti sa diskriminacijom i nasiljem, registruj se za javni čas Autostereotipi i heterostereotipi: normalizacija diskriminacije i nasilja. Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava (YIHR… View Article
MoreYouth Initiative for Human Rights is a partner organization together with Memo98, Political Capital, ResPublika in the implementation of the Western Balkan project as part of the Forum 2000 conference.
MoreIn light of the events that marked the year that will soon be behind us, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, in cooperation with the Peaceful Change Initiative, is organizing a program for young people aged 18 to 27 from Kosovo and Serbia. The youth program “We matter” will be held in Belgrade from December 13th to 17th. The working language of the program will be English.
MoreIf you are interested in empathy and tolerance, cultural and social awareness of the position of others, work and cooperation with peers from the region, facilitation in youth work, then this is the training for you!