
Youth Initiative for Human Rights Annual Report 2023

You’re wondering what YIHR was up to last year? Are you interested to see what 365 days of fighting for human rights, justice and reconciliation in Serbia looks like? Do you want to get introduced to our programs and other activities that we implemented in 2023?


The monograph „Moja inicijativa / Nisma ime / My Initiative”

The monograph „Moja inicijativa / Nisma ime / My Initiative” in front of you consists of stories, experiences and memories of those who have been a part of the fight for human rights and peace in the last twenty years. In the pages of this monograph, you will find stories of fearless, bold and persistent… View Article


The role of media in war atrocities – Cases of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Rwanda

The purpose of this analysis is to show the devastating effects propaganda can have on society by giving examples of the narratives used in the local media in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992 and Rwanda in 1994. The media this analysis focuses on are Radio Prijedor and the newspaper Kozarski Vjesnik, propaganda tools used in… View Article


Newsletter: YIHR in 2020

YIHR newsletter (2020.) BHS
