
Open Call: “YIHR Alumni Network Reunion – Kosovo and Serbia”

Young people from Kosovo and Serbia, who have previously been involved in at least one of YIHR’s activities on the national or regional level, are invited to apply for a Workshop “YIHR Alumni Network Reunion – Kosovo and Serbia”, to discuss and rethink the current activities and practices that aim to intensify collaboration among young… View Article


The Right of People to Return to Their Homes Must be a Priority for the Governments of Kosovo and Serbia

On the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the beginning of the March 2004 violence in Kosovo, Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Serbia and Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo, are calling their governments to show sincere respect for all victims of ethnically motivated violence in order to start building societies where everyone has the right to live free and to feel safe.


Institutions and political actors should unequivocally support peace actions regarding the war in Ukraine

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights welcomes the vote of Serbian representative to adopt a UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Stop the aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine

The organisations gathered around the Three Freedoms Platform fiercely condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine and warn that a blatant violation of international law norms is at hand. We call upon the international stakeholders and humanitarian organisations to do all in their powers to prevent further suffering of the civilian population, and upon the relevant institutions of the Republic of Serbia to contribute to that end, as well as to prepare for providing assistance to the people fleeing their homes. Also, we call upon the institutions of the Republic of Serbia to join other European countries and condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. This is one of the important moments of the European solidarity and Serbia, if it wishes to be part of the European Union, must demonstrate that its shares the EU values.
