Dear organizers and distinguished participants, I am very happy and grateful to address you today at the “Truths That Are Denied” conference which asks us to reflect on the essential issue of truths that are denied. This is my first time in Belgrade, and I’m glad we all gathered here today. I come from Kosovo, which is connected to the topic of denied truths like the body is connected to the soul.

All of us can be truth deniers, at least once. To live in a society with other people, it can be challenging to express our feelings because often we find ourselves thinking ‘keep quiet’ or ‘only say things that are familiar.’ Denial and distortion of facts are some of the most harmful things for us and our society, so it is essential to express ourselves freely and face the truth and only the truth, no matter how sad it is. 

I will present some of the truths about the country I come from that are denied everywhere. The people of my country have been historically denied basic rights such as freedom, education,  etc. I wish these things were only in the past, but even though today things are improved, unfortunately Kosovo is still limited in freedom. 

I am a student with dreams and ambitious goals for my career and my life, but because of these obstacles, I cannot study abroad at the universities I want to. Therefore, I would like these barriers to be removed as soon as possible which would directly affect our well-being, especially for young people who are building their careers in Kosovo.

Author: Elita Gruda

This activity has been supported by BCSDN and financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. Responsibility for the content rests entirely with the creator. Sida does not necessarily share the expressed views and interpretations.