Author Archives for YIHR

YIHR Serbia demands the dismissal of the Minister of Education Branko Ruzic!

May 4, 2023 12:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Serbia (YIHR Serbia) demands the immediate dismissal of the Minister of Education, Branko Ruzic, due to the political instrumentalization of the tragedy at Elementary School “Vladislav Ribnikar”. We also call for accountability of Veselin Milic, the chief of the Belgrade police, for publicizing the list of names of the minor victims and mentioning the juvenile offender’s name. The legality of disclosing this information must be reviewed by the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data, the Ombudsman of Serbia, the Internal Control Sector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Prosecutor office.

Festival “Mirëdita, dobar dan!” in Prishtina from May 4th

March 29, 2023 11:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The tenth jubilee edition of the "Mirëdita, dobar dan!" festival, a unique cultural event that has been organized in Belgrade and Prishtina since 2014, will be held from May 4th to 6th in Prishtina, with the presentation of the modern artistic, cultural, and social scene of Serbia and with raising critical issues concerning both the past and the future in times that represent a great challenge for Kosovo and Serbian society. Citizens of Prishtina will have the opportunity to get to know the Serbian cultural scene, musicians, film, and literary authors.

The Right of People to Return to Their Homes Must be a Priority for the Governments of Kosovo and Serbia

March 17, 2023 11:13 am Published by Leave your thoughts

On the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the beginning of the March 2004 violence in Kosovo, Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo and Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Serbia, are calling their governments to show sincere respect for all victims of ethnically motivated violence in order to start building societies where everyone has the right to live free and to feel safe.