On 25th of September group of youth in Belgrade and Zagreb sent a joint message to PM of Serbia and PM of Croatia. As well as the letter you can find below.
MoreMedia and civil society representatives, participant of the assembly of the Association of independent local media ‘Lokal pres’, jointly condemned present warmongering reporting of the certain Belgrade based media outlets.
MoreIn the attachment you will find the Declaration regarding International Youth Day that group of civil society organizations from the Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro refer to the governments of these countries, relating to the conference on the Western Balkans that will be held later this month in Vienna.
MoreOn the occassion of 26 June – International Day of the support to victims of torture, partner organizations – Youth Initiative for Human Rights Montenegro (YIHRMN), the Albanian Rehabilitation Center for Trauma & Torture (ARCT), Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia (YIHRSR) and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) invite competent institutions in Montenegro, Albania and Serbia to respect the right to rehabilitation of victims of torture and to fight efficiently against impunity.