This call is published by medica mondiale e.V. (Germany) on behalf of the partner organizations (POs): Medica Zenica and Vive Žene (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Medica  Gjakova and Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (Kosovo), Women in Black,  Autonomous Women’s Centre and Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Serbia). 

We are looking for a Regional Advocacy and Feminist Action Advisor (RAFAA) to support  the second phase of the programme “Amplifying Voices of Women affected by war related SGBV in the Western Balkans – For a culture of Recognition and Reconciliation”  (June 2024 – August 2027), funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation  and Development of Germany (BMZ). The goal of the programme (short “AV”) is to create a culture of recognition and reconciliation in the Western Balkans for women survivors  of war related SGBV to live in dignity and free from violence. You can find more detailed  information on Amplifying Voices Programme and the team below.  

The RAFAA is expected to support the implementation of: 

  • Module 1: Feminist Action (creation of safer spaces for feminist reflection,  connectedness, solidarity, and self- and collective care for activists and  professionals, strengthening their wellbeing and resilience and thus the  sustainability of their work and the programme as a whole) 
  • Module 5: Joint Learning, Networking and Advocacy Work (building on the jointly  developed Regional Advocacy Strategy of AV-I, upscaling the POs regional  advocacy work and continue joint learning and networking) 

About the position 

1. Role:  

The Regional Advocacy and Feminist Action Advisor will be responsible for leading the  process of design and implementation of the Module 1 on Feminist Action and the Module  5 on Regional Advocacy Work in close cooperation with medica mondiale and the AV  partner organisations. 

The Regional Advocacy and Feminist Action Advisor is expected to agree on our values  and working principles as the foundation of communication and cooperation.

2. Objectives of the RAFAA Position: 

Within the Module 1: Feminist action 

To enhance feminist action of the POs on country and regional level To co-create a safer space for all to share, learn and grow together To provide capacity development in feminist action and reflection, especially on  dealing with the past topics 

Within the Module 5: Regional advocacy work 

To coordinate/support the partners in implementing the country and regional  advocacy strategies of the Amplifying Voices Programme on feminist dealing with  the past  

3. Tasks 

Within Module 1: Feminist Action 

Communicate and engage with all Amplifying Voices partners 

Provide advice on feminist action on country and organisational level (according  to the needs) 

Foster regular check-ins with the POs on their well-being 

Provide and/or organize capacity-strengthening measures for feminist action Regional level: co-facilitate regional Feminist Action meetings together with the  trauma advisor of medica mondiale 

Country level: meetings in person, support in feminist action and reflection activities 

Explore the possibilities / opportunities at international level for synergies / cooperation (e.g. feminist actions of medica mondiale and its partner  organisations in other regions, international actions of PO etc.)

Within Module 5: Regional Advocacy Work 

Jointly with POs identify strengths and gaps for the existing Regional Advocacy  Strategy and suggest revisions and innovative approaches  

Develop an Action Plan for the revised Regional Advocacy Strategy Support the implementation of the Regional Advocacy Strategy: o Develop methodologies, products, policy papers, etc. based on inputs  from POs 

o Scale up different advocacy activities 

Promote networking and cooperation among POs and other identified  stakeholders on country, regional and global level 

4. Qualifications 

Knowledge, expertise and experience: 

Knowledge of and experience in working with feminist approaches to dealing with  the past and transitional justice within women’s/feminist NGOs and/or networks Technical and methodological expertise for advocacy work  

Experience in participatory methods of group facilitation 

Knowledge about the region 

Relevant working experience – minimum 5 years 

Fluency in English is a must 

Knowledge of at least one of the official languages of the region 


University degree (preferably in Social Sciences, Political Sciences, Gender  studies or similar) 

Desired qualifications: 

Knowledge of theory and practice of social justice, power sensitivity,  intersectionality and stress- and trauma-sensitivity 

Experience and expertise in meaningful presence, listening to different  perspectives, and facilitating sensitive topics and processes, sensitively dealing  with diversity and/or conflicting viewpoints  

Experience and knowledge in regional advocacy and advising on advocacy,  particularly on women rights/SGBV/women survivors of war related sexualised  violence/marginalised groups 

Knowledge in and access to existing international mechanisms such as Istanbul  Convention, EU structures etc.

5. Additional information 

It is not a must for this position to already have citizenship / work permit / visa  for one of the project countries, but we encourage you to check the conditions for  getting a work permit or visa before applying. Further details will be discussed  on the individual basis during the hiring process.  

The RAFAA will be formally employed by one of the partner organisations of the  Amplifying Voices programmes, depending on the country of residence. This will  be discussed on an individual basis during the hiring process. 

This position is expected to work remotely, with regular traveling to each of the  POs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia. 

Driving licence is preferred. 

What we offer 

POs and medica mondiale believe in the transformative potential of feminist thinking,  joint reflection practice and activism. We offer a position in an interdisciplinary team of  organizations that have more than 30 years of hands-on experience. Within the project  specific context, we aim to create feminist reflection spaces referring to solidarity  encounters, enhancing critical discussions though different feminist lenses, sharing of  experiences, insights, and knowledge, as well as activist tools for the joint struggle  against sexual and gender-based violence. 

We are seeking a person who is willing to grow together with us, be part of and support  our connectedness. One of the guiding principles of our work is that we take into account  the wellbeing, perspective and needs of each team member, which also applies to the  Regional Advocacy and Feminist Action Advisor. 

We offer a remote position on approx. 70% of a full-time position, with a salary range of  up to 24.000€ gross per year. Please indicate your salary expectations in your application. 

How to apply 

We strongly encourage candidates of all different backgrounds and identities to apply. 

Please send your application documents (CV, motivation letter and references, max. 2  MB, 1 pdf) by Sunday, 20.10.2024 to [email protected]. Subject:  “Application RAFAA”. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling base  and that we may contact and invite prospective candidates to interviews before the  application due date in order to facilitate an ongoing selection process.

Additional information about the AV programme 

I.AV Team 

medica mondiale and all project partners share common goals, values, and interests in  the fight against sexualized and gender-based violence in war- and conflict zones. All  partners apply a multi-level approach, addressing needs of survivors and advocating for  changes at micro, meso and macro levels in their societies and political systems and are  also strongly connected in the region and beyond. 

The project partners are all well-established and experienced organisations (most of  them possess 30+ years of experience) with a strong network in their respective country  and across the region and complement each other with regards to sectoral and regional  scope. They have worked directly with survivors of conflict-related sexual violence for  many years and developed and field tested holistic and stress- and trauma sensitive  methods for outreach to survivors, which have high relevance to be spread regionally.  They are also experienced in advocacy work, shadow reporting, writing guides and  manuals, organising training programmes for professionals in institutions and have  gained recognition as qualified expert organisations by governmental institutions and  societal initiatives in their countries.  

II. Background and Design of the AV Programme 

“Amplifying Voices of Women affected by war-related SGBV in the Western Balkan – For  a culture of Recognition and Reconciliation” is a project jointly realized by POs mentioned  above with the support of medica mondiale. Its first phase lasted from November 2020  to May 2024. The second phase of the Amplifying Voices Programme (AV-2) builds on  the first phase. It started in June 2024 and is expected to last until August 2027. Both  phases are funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development  of Germany (BMZ). 

The first phase of the AV Programme was in its structure and programmatic design  based on the Dealing with the Past (DwP) Framework of swisspeace, a widely  recognised model for the design of dealing with the past strategies, which organises  interventions by the pillars The Right to Truth, The Right to Reparation, The Right to  Justice and the Guarantee for Non-Recurrence (the latter has not been explicitly  addressed within the programme). 

The second phase of the AV Programme (AV-2) continues to be influenced by this  framework but adds another dimension to it: the dimension of Feminist Action. Thus, the  structure of the AV-2 Programme includes the following modules:  

Module 1: Feminist Action: Amplifying connectedness, resilience and solidarity

Module 2: Realizing the rights to truth 

Module 3: Realizing the rights to reparation  

Module 4: Realizing the rights to justice 

Module 5: Joint Learning, Networking and Advocacy Work 

III. Objectives of the AV Programme 

Project goal: Creating a culture of recognition and reconciliation in the Western Balkans  for women survivors of war related SGBV to live in dignity and free from violence. 

Desired outcomes of the second phase of the project:  

  • Amplified connectedness, solidarity and resilience among professionals and  activists for increased sustainability of relationships, the joint work, and the  programme 
  • The topic war related SGBV is continually reflected in political debates and  regional and local reconciliation initiatives  
  • Laws and procedures for compensation mechanisms include more elements of  stress and trauma sensitivity  
  • Court Procedures include more elements of stress and trauma sensitivity,  addressing both survivors and members of the witness support networks Likeminded feminist women’s organisations are further recognised as experts for  feminist approaches to Dealing with the Past in political national and regional  reconciliation processes