
The Consequences of an Interview

Tim Sebastian, a reporter for Deutsche Welle, invited Ana Brnabić to his segment The Conflict Zone on Wednesday the 14th of November. The segment is known for Sebastian’s tough questions and controversial interviewees.

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Own Goals of Internal Dialogue on Kosovo: Statements by Ministers in the Government of Serbia

“That’s why it is, important, or more important than ever, to look into the mirror, boldly, clearly see all the scars, wounds and shortcomings on our own face, but also to try to heal as much as possible, not giving up in desperation because of the problems with which we face. ” Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia (July 24, 2017)

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Monologues on Dialogue

President Vucic’s strategy to announce the internal dialogue on Kosovo in May without any first talking points, without the established framework, without even participating in it, succeeded completely, and soon, out of the all possible interlocutors, he will remain the only one, which is the most comfortable position for him.

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OMG, what’s wrong with me

And I used to be such a cool gal, easy going. It all started with a visit to the ‘heart of Serbia’ and some strange people taking out and selling kidneys, and lives exactly there in the ancient habitat of all Serbian (if only Serbs would decide if their ancestors were Arbanasi or Slavs).

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