The Youth Initiative for Human Rights demands that competent state authorities prosecute all those who are threatening Nataša Kandić. Further, we expect Prime Minister and the President of the Republic to speak out in that respect and condemn the campaign of hate accompanied with anti-Albanian xenophobic folklore.
The first preparatory hearing on charges brought by three activists of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights against the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) was held today before the Third Basic Court in Belgrade.
This report is a systematic presentation of how the government continuously defends and supports convicted war criminals. The research is focused on the analysis of different forms of political support and affirmation received by four war criminals who are the most active in Serbian public life – Vladimir Lazarević, Nikola Šainović, Momčilo Krajišnik and Veselin Šljivančanin. The Report covers the period from their return from prison until December 2017.
This report is a systematic presentation of how the government continuously defends and supports convicted war criminals. The research is focused on the analysis of different forms of political support and affirmation received by four war criminals who are the most active in Serbian public life – Vladimir Lazarević, Nikola Šainović, Momčilo Krajišnik and Veselin Šljivančanin. The Report covers the period from their return from prison until December 2017.
Youth Initiative for Human Rights will hold a press conference on Monday, December 25th, at 1 pm, at the Media Center, where it will present a publication titled "War Criminals in Political Life: Mutual Support Between Convicted War Criminals and Political Elites in Serbia", which presents an overview of state support of war criminals in 2017.