The Youth Initiative for Human Rights demands that the Ministry of Defence as soon as possible publicise the employment status at the Serbian Army of Rajko Kozlina, convicted for a war crime in the village of Trnje (Kosovo) and – in the event that Kozlina still holds the rank of non-commissioned officer – immediately strip him of the rank pursuant to Article 185 of the Serbian Army Act.
Director of the Srebrenica Genocide Memorial Emir Suljagić has said today that genocide in Srebrenica cannot be reduced only to the mass murders of Bosniaks in July 1995, but it includes a continuity of events from May 1992 to July 1995, during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Festival “Mirëdita, dobar dan!” ended with prize award to director Ognjen Glavonić who, through his movies “Depth 2” and “The Load”, broke “the shameful oath of silence” about a mass grave in Batajnica, and thus made a huge step in bringing Serbian and Kosovo societies closer to each other.
“In Kosovo, there is a collective consciousness of all nations regarding the protection of cultural heritage and monuments, while politicians are trying to divide that heritage according to ethnicity into Serbian and Albanian” is a message of the debate “Kosovo – Memory Heritage” on the second day of the “Mirëdita, dobar dan” Festival at the Centre for Cultural Decontamination in Belgrade.
“Without co-operation and dialogue of people from Belgrade and Priština, we will keep being blown by the winds of hatred and nationalism” is a message under which the “Miredita, dobar dan” Festival was opened today, with all epidemiological measures respected.