You are between 18 and 29?
You want to learn more about EU migration policy or critically question it?
Application Deadline 30th May 2021
What is the aim of this project?
Training for young activists, politicians, students, and historians, named “Practices of Remembering the Srebrenica Genocide” was held from 23rd to 25tg of April via Zoom platform. The form was hybrid – all the participants were online, while lecturers came to ENDŽIO Hub in Belgrade to hold the lecture from there and were streamed via Zoom. Training was held for 20 young people, among which were 3 members of PYN network: one from Bosnia and Herzegovina and two from Serbia.
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the presentation of the analysis The efficiency of Serbia and Kosovo’s institutions’ mechanisms in finding missing persons from the war in Kosovo in the period from 2016 to 2020 organized by the National Convention on the European Union. The presentation will take place on April 27 at 12 pm via Zoom.
The regional network of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia - regarding the "Non paper" which stirred up the public in the region and beyond, reminds of the saying "Do not kill the messenger".
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights organized an online discussion with Andrej Nikolaidis, a journalist, writer, and columnist from Montenegro. The motive for this discussion was the denial of the genocide in Srebrenica by the Minister of Justice, Human and Minority Rights in Montenegro, Vladimir Leposavić, but also the wider implications of this incident and the general discourse of democratic changes in Montenegro in relation to the region and the issues of dealing with the past, historical revisionism, and relations among the people of the Balkans, as well.