Author Archives for YIHR

Stop the aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine

March 1, 2022 3:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The organisations gathered around the Three Freedoms Platform fiercely condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine and warn that a blatant violation of international law norms is at hand. We call upon the international stakeholders and humanitarian organisations to do all in their powers to prevent further suffering of the civilian population, and upon the relevant institutions of the Republic of Serbia to contribute to that end, as well as to prepare for providing assistance to the people fleeing their homes. Also, we call upon the institutions of the Republic of Serbia to join other European countries and condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. This is one of the important moments of the European solidarity and Serbia, if it wishes to be part of the European Union, must demonstrate that its shares the EU values.

Konferencija “Kako stati na put poricanju genocida u Srebrenici”: Nema članstva u EU dok god se negira genocid

February 25, 2022 11:22 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Participants of the today conference in Belgrade "How to Stop the Denial of Genocide in Srebrenica?" agreed that countries in the Western Balkans that deny the genocide in Srebrenica cannot become members of the European Union. They called on the EU to make the 30 billion-euro economic aid, which they intend to direct to the Western Balkans, conditional on respect for the values ​​on which the European Union is based.

Conversation with Ajna Jusić: Children Born As a Consequence of War Not Recognised in the BiH System, Discrimination against Mothers and Children on a Daily Basis

February 25, 2022 10:43 am Published by Leave your thoughts

‘When you look at the system in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the legislation that is supposed to deal with people damaged by the war, they are very patriarchal, and thus the law recognised women as victims much later compared to men, that is, soldiers, whose status had been regulated much earlier. From the very beginning, everything has been done on a patriarchal basis, in order to put mothers out of the focus first and then to completely leave out the children from such regulation’, said Ajna Jusić of the ‘Forgotten Children of War’ at the online event organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights.


February 24, 2022 6:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Youth Initiative for Human Rights Regional Network, working in the post-war countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia, having lived the effects of war and still suffering the consequences of actions such as those of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine, strongly condemns such occurrences and deeply feel for the people in Ukraine and the suffering they are going through at such a difficult time.