Author Archives for YIHR

Importance of the “Truths That Are Denied” conference

November 15, 2022 12:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Dear organizers and distinguished participants, I am very happy and grateful to address you today at the “Truths That Are Denied” conference which asks us to reflect on the essential issue of truths that are denied. This is my first time in Belgrade, and I’m glad we all gathered here today. I come from Kosovo, which is connected to the topic of denied truths like the body is connected to the soul.

Regional conference “Truths that are denied” opened in Belgrade

November 10, 2022 5:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Over 120 people from the Western Balkans, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic attended the "Truths that are denied" regional conference. The conference opened with the poems "Born after 1992" and "8372" by the poet Mirjana Narandžić and the panel "Images in our heads and on the walls," which discussed the role of art in dealing with the past.

Berlin Process 2.0: Steps Towards Freedom

November 3, 2022 3:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

We congratulate all participants and supporters of the Berlin process and in particular Western Balkans leaders who have gathered in Berlin and signed three important agreements that we see as milestones for the future of regional cooperation and mobility.