Author Archives for YIHR

YIHR participated in an interactive dialogue on transitional justice and human rights organized by the United Nations

March 7, 2025 12:29 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

At the invitation of Jürg Lauber, the President of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Sofija Todorović, the director of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, spoke on March 5, 2025, at the 17th meeting of the 58th session of the Council in Geneva as part of an interactive dialogue on transitional justice and human rights.

Joint Resolution on the Suspension of Cooperation with the Legislative and Executive Authorities in Serbia

February 5, 2025 11:27 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Since the beginning of the student protests in Serbia, we have publicly and unequivocally  supported all their demands. The loss of innocent lives in the collapse of the train station canopy  in Novi Sad on November 1st last year deeply shook us, as did the violence we are witnessing  and the actions of institutions that, instead of fulfilling their duties, are using various maneuvers  to suppress the student movement. The students have demonstrated that the movement cannot  be suppressed and that the struggle will continue until institutions begin fulfilling their mandates.  The rule of law and accountability of public officials must be the foundation of a functioning society.  However, Serbia has long ceased to be a country governed by the rule of law. 

Breaking Borders, Building Bonds: Cross-Border Internship Program in Pristina

February 3, 2025 4:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Have you finished your undergraduate/master's studies, or are you near the end, and looking to take the first steps in your professional development? Are you searching for an internship to improve your skills or gain work experience that will help you secure your first job? Do you want to learn more about civil society in Pristina while contributing to the normalization of relations between the two communities? If some of those questions resonate with you then this might be the right opportunity for you. We offer a three-month paid internship program in Pristina, for which you can apply until the 18th of February, via the link. The program is scheduled to begin on March 3, 2025

YIHR Invites You to the Youth Event in Presevo

January 23, 2025 4:15 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The YIHR of Serbia and the Youth Initiative of Kosovo are jointly organizing a meeting of young people from Serbia and Kosovo in Preševo, which will take place on January 31st  at the Youth Office, Mare Lončar bb, Cultural Center Preševo.

Human Rights Die in Silence

December 27, 2024 4:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

International Human Rights Day is observed every December 10th, the day when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted. This day serves as an opportunity to reflect and remind ourselves of the inalienable rights of every human being, while comparing this document to our everyday reality.