Nine activists of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights and My Initiative Activists’ Movement were physically assaulted on January 17th in Beška Municipality in Vojvodina, (northern province of Serbia) during public debate organized by the Government ruling party – Serbian Progressive Party. These activists were beaten at the debate while protesting against the fact that convicted war criminal Veselin Šljivančanin* was speaker at the debate held in local Cultural Center.
MoreIn respect to a Youweeks-long debate about the morality of Slobodan Milosevic’s politics, an idea to honor him by building a monument to him in Serbia as well as President Nikolic’s statement that “this monument wouldn’t survive long because it would be vandalized by self-proclaimed democrats’ YIHR issues the following declaration:
MoreNo less than 11%, up to 84% of applicants racially discriminated against in the job market: the alarming peaks
More‘Seven thousand’ assembly was banned in July last year, accompanied by insufficient explanation of Serbian Ministry of Interior.