
The Ministry for Interior Affairs must ban genocide-denial in the New Belgrade municipal building

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Humanitarian Law Center, Women in Black and Forum ZFD Western Balkans would like to inform the public, as well as the Ministry for Interior Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, that the book promotion of convicted war criminal Vojislav Šešelj will be taking place tonight at 18h on February 2nd within the New Belgrade municipal building. The promotion of the book titled „Srebrenica was not a genocide“ is organized by the Serbian Radical Party (SRS).


YIHR Held Workshop on Crimes and Operations of Paramilitary Units from Serbia

The Youth Initiative for Human Right organized a two-day workshop “Paramilitary Units from Serbia in post-Yugoslav wars (1991-1999)” for ten young researchers in Belgrade on February 7-8.


Election Year in Serbia Must Not Start With a Campaign of Violence against Minorities

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) condemns a series of violent incidents we have witnessed in several towns in Vojvodina in the last couple of days and demands urgent reaction of the prosecutor’s office, as well as a condemnation by the Provincial Government, the Government of Serbia and the President of Serbia.
