This morning the warning signs were set up to inform the citizens that a part of Vracar, the corner of Njegoseva and Aleksa Nenadovića is a part of the city where there is no rule of law but rule of hooligans.
MoreAre you a young political leader? Do you want to gain skills and knowledge that are going to help you lead your team? Are you interested in learning the best way to use your unique leadership skills to achieve positive social change?
MoreThe International Coalition for Democratic Renewal (ICDR) was organized to help coordinate democratic opposition to the rising illiberal and authoritarian forces that have put liberal democracy on the defensive during the past 15 years. We believe that the struggle against these forces can be won—but only if the world’s democracies stand united. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Atlantic Charter, we resolve to work together to strengthen the transatlantic alliance of democracies and to build stronger democratic solidarity among democracies worldwide. Greater democratic unity is urgently needed to secure the future of democracy.
MoreThe Initiative’s activists will not show up tomorrow and remove the Mladić mural. We owe everyone an explanation as to why.