Date: 17 th of May 2021
Positions: Feminist Expert for development and editing of educational program on sexual violence in wartime – perspective from
Kosova (1 person)
Background: From 2020 to 2024 medica mondiale (Germany) is coordinating a project titled “Amplifying Voices of Women affected by war-related SGBV in the Western Balkan – For a culture of Recognition and Reconciliation”, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Project partners include Autonomous Women’s Center, Women in Black and Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Serbia), medica Zenica, Vive Žene (Bosnia and Hercegovina) and medica Gjakova, Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (Kosovo). Project goal is to create a culture of recognition and reconciliation in the Western Balkans for women survivors of war related SGBV to live in dignity and free from violence. During the project period, AWC, WIB and YIHR will, among other, organize a series of workshops on the issue of sexual violence in wartime for civil society organizations, general public and youth.
Purpose: Purpose of this ToR is to hire Feminist Expert (Expert) (1 person) who will jointly with representatives of partner organizations from Serbia edit the educational program on sexual violence in wartime and add the feminist perspective from Kosova.
Deliverables: Expert hired under this ToR will participate in editing of a 3-day long educational program
developed by feminist experts from the region and will be in charge of adding feminist perspective from Kosova in the program. This program is dedicated to civil society and general public with the aim to gain the knowledge and awareness on the issue of sexual violence during the Yugoslav wars in the 90s. This program will be based on strong feminist, survivor’s centered, anti-nationalist, anti- racist and anti-militarist standpoints and should include (but not be limited to) the following information:
– Short history of sexual violence as a war crime –global dimension of the phenomenon
– Sexual violence during the Yugoslav wars – facts on scope of the problem
– Rape as a war crime before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
– State support and protection of survivors – comparative view of laws of all former Yugoslavia countries with the focus on Serbia
– Cross-border resistance of the women’s movement –feminist organizing against sexual violence and supporting the survivors during and after the war (including Women’s Court)
– The position and role of youth in post-conflict period
– Examples of commemoration and culture of remembrance from the region. Final deliverable should include all materials needed for conducting the program, including handouts and other material suggestions in a form of movies, books etc. The language of the educative program should be Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian.
• Communication with organizations’ representatives conducting this activity and
participation in joint meetings;
• Revising all materials developed by the group of experts from the region and adding
feminist perspective from Kosova;
• Joint work of all experts and organizations’ representatives in order to prepare a program
as a whole and final revision and editing of the program.
Timeframe and Deadlines:
For Experts:
Until 25 th of May – Selection
June – First revision of the developed program
End of July – Final revision and editing of the program
Total amount for positions under this ToR is 1.000EUR.
Profile of Experts:
Depending on arrived applications and its quality, project partners will hire one expert with
clear background in the topic of sexual violence during the wartime in Kosova.
Expert has to show:
Strong professional and/or activist experience (10+ years) with the issue of sexual
violence in wartime (psychotherapist, psychologist, lawyer, advocate, activist,
Experience in developing or implementing educational programs
Strong feminist, survivor’s centered, anti-nationalist, anti-racist and anti-militarist
Good knowledge on transitional justice in the region
Excellent writing skills
Ability to priorities and work to strict deadlines
Ability to work in diverse team of experts
Good written command of Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian language.
Application Process
The closing date for submitting Expressions of Interest is 21 st of May 2021 5p.m.
This should include:
An explanation of how you fulfil the expert profile criteria and your relevant
skills/experience (not longer than 1 page);
An indication of your availability to undertake the task within the set timeframe, and
CV or short biography.
Expressions of Interest should be sent electronically to the following address: with subject containing information for which position you apply. This
address is also available for possible questions regarding this ToR.