
A Guide to Internal Dialogue

From today on our website you can read the Guide in Serbian and English version through two documents: Principles of Internal Dialogue on Kosovo and Kosovo Chronology.


Newsletter: January – June 2017

Dear friends, In front of you is the new edition of six-months Initiative’s Newsletter where you can read everything about activities, programs and actions from January to June this year. We started the year with another fight for freedom of expression and public sphere without space for war criminals. Action in Beška triggered great attention and marked first few months of 2017. For the first time ever this year we have participated in organization of “Mirëdita, dobar dan!“ festival, which presents Kosovo’s culture and social scene to Belgrade audience. During May we have collected signatures for support of REKOM establishment and gave significant contribution to initiative that advocates formation of this regional commission.


Newsletter: May – October 2016

Dear friends, In front of you, there is a new issue of YIHR newsletter where you can find everything we did from May until October, 2016. The most important moment in this period was most definitely the Regional Youth Cooperation Office Agreement which was signed by Prime Ministers of six Western Balkans countries on July 4th in Paris.


Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty in Serbian Prison System

The report “Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty in Serbian Prison System” was written in the scope of „Building free of torture and impunity societies in the Western Balkans“ project.
