Author Archives for YIHR

Memorandum on Initiative for the Regional Youth Exchange Program

July 20, 2015 3:16 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Regional Network of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights with its offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia is dedicated to the establishment of an official mechanism for interethnic and cross-border youth exchanges in the Western Balkans region. YIHR believes that such a mechanism should be established and funded by the governments in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania.

Statement: Jointly against torture

June 30, 2015 1:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

On the occassion of 26 June – International Day of the support to victims of torture, partner organizations – Youth Initiative for Human Rights Montenegro (YIHRMN), the Albanian Rehabilitation Center for Trauma & Torture (ARCT), Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia (YIHRSR) and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) invite competent institutions in Montenegro, Albania and Serbia to respect the right to rehabilitation of victims of torture and to fight efficiently against impunity.

Perspectives of a Multiethnic Society in Kosovo

June 25, 2015 12:13 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Publication „Perspectives of a Multiethnic Society in Kosovo” is a pioneer step in establishing an academic cooperation between Belgrade and Prishtina. It is the result of work of ten associates of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade and the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Prishtina.

Panels on Sarajevo Youth Summit

June 23, 2015 3:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The Sarajevo Youth Summit, organized by Youth Initiative for Human Rights, will be held in Sarajevo on 14-16 October 2015. The Summit will gather around 150 young leaders from the Western Balkans and the European Union, as well as representatives of organizations and leaders from conflict and post-conflict zones across the world.