Dear friends,
In front of you, there is a new issue of YIHR newsletter where you can find everything we did from May until October, 2016.
The most important moment in this period was most definitely the Regional Youth Cooperation Office Agreement which was signed by Prime Ministers of six Western Balkans countries on July 4th in Paris.
In respect to a Youweeks-long debate about the morality of Slobodan Milosevic’s politics, an idea to honor him by building a monument to him in Serbia as well as President Nikolic's statement that “this monument wouldn’t survive long because it would be vandalized by self-proclaimed democrats' YIHR issues the following declaration:
The report “Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty in Serbian Prison System” was written in the scope of „Building free of torture and impunity societies in the Western Balkans“ project.
In the new issue of YIHR Newsletter you can find everything about our activities since November 2015 until April 2016. Read about all actions, reports, programs, youth exchanges, protests and all other thing that were in our focus in these six months.