On Sunday, September 1, in the German city of Aachen, Youth Initiative for Human Rights and Grandmas Against Far Right (Omas Gegen Rechts) were honored with the Aachen Peace Prize.
Sofija Todorović, Director of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Serbia, was once again detained today at Belgrade's Nikola Tesla Airport without any explanation. She was traveling to Aachen, Germany, where she is scheduled to accept the Aachen Peace Prize on September 1 on behalf of her organization.
The Regional Network of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) calls on the Serbian authorities not to extradite Andrei Gnyot to Belarus, as there are grounds to suspect that he will be tortured or killed due to his critical stance against the regime of Alexander Lukashenko.
A large number of unfounded detentions and arrests of citizens in recent weeks have been accompanied by propaganda against alleged foreign mercenaries who, in the interest of hostile foreign countries, are said to be undermining the state order. The goal of such manipulations, propagated by government representatives and media controlled by it, is to justify repression against political dissenters and to deter citizens from participating in legitimate and legal protests through fear.
Last night, Miloš Vučević, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, posted a statement on the social network X that contained false information designed to incite hatred against Mila Pajić, a young student, activist, and program assistant at the Youth Initiative for Human Rights.