Grupa organizacija civilnog društva i boraca za ljudska prava protestovala je ispred zgrade ambasade Rusije, zbog nerazjašnjenog ubistva ruske aktivistkinje Jelene Grigorijeve, a njihovi zahtevi su upućeni ruskim vlastima da nađu i kazne počinioce.
On Thursday, July 25, from 12.00 to 13.00, the undersigned organisations are organising a protest “Lesbians from Russia are our sisters” in front of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Belgrade.
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights strongly condemns the new heinous sexist threats of rape which Vojislav Seselj has made on Twitter against Brankica Jankovic, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality of the Republic of Serbia.
Women in Black, Humanitarian Law Center and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights will attend a commemoration on this July 18 - as every year, together with the victims’ families at the Orlovača cemetery, where we will place a wreath with the writing “We remember the crimes in Orahovac”.
Youth Initiative for Human Rights condemns the threats and insults which Vojislav Šešelj, a convicted war criminal with unlawful parliamentary immunity, made against Snežana Čongradin, a journalist of the Danas daily, for her article about the commemoration of victims of genocide in Potočari.