The Youth Initiative for Human Rights, in co-operation with forumZFD, organized a study visit for twenty young activists from Serbia to the Srebrenica Memorial (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the Šljivovica Detention Camp in the Čajetina municipality (Serbia) on February 25-28 2020.
On Thursday, February 27, 2020, it will be 27 years since the crime in Štrpci (Bosnia and Herzegovina), in which members of the Army of the Republic of Srpska (VRS) kidnapped and killed 20 non-Serb civilians, passengers on a train travelling from Belgrade to Bar. The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC), Women in Black, Sandžak Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms and Youth Initiative for Human Rights recall the public’s attention to the fact that victims’ families have been waiting for judicial justice in Serbia, and the recognition of their status as family members of civilian victims of war, for 27 years now. For 27 years the public has been waiting for the recognition, accountability and memorialisation of victims by the institutions of Serbia.
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Humanitarian Law Center, Women in Black and Forum ZFD Western Balkans would like to inform the public, as well as the Ministry for Interior Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, that the book promotion of convicted war criminal Vojislav Šešelj will be taking place tonight at 18h on February 2nd within the New Belgrade municipal building. The promotion of the book titled „Srebrenica was not a genocide“ is organized by the Serbian Radical Party (SRS).
In a few days, the 27th anniversary of the abduction at the Štrpci railway station will be marked. This is the railway station at which the express train no. 671 would not normally make a stop. On February 27 1993, members of the paramilitary group Avengers abducted 20 passengers from the Belgrade-Bar train. Among the abducted, there were 18 Bosniaks, one Croat and one person of unknown origin and of darker skin tone.
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights is inviting all interested persons between 16 and 30 years of age from Belgrade to get informed about war crimes trials through a series of lectures, by attending trials and by taking part in the discussions following the hearings.