Author Archives for YIHR

Seventh “Mirëdita, dobar dan!” Festival Opened

October 22, 2020 10:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

“Without co-operation and dialogue of people from Belgrade and Priština, we will keep being blown by the winds of hatred and nationalism” is a message under which the “Miredita, dobar dan” Festival was opened today, with all epidemiological measures respected.

Debate on the matter of the Day of Missing Persons: The key to finding the missing persons is opening the archives, initiating proceedings against those who are responsible

August 30, 2020 3:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The issue of missing persons is always one related to crimes committed during the war, and once you face those, you become accountable and the prosecution of those who committed the crimes begins. The issue of missing persons is one authorities avoid precisely due to the lack of will to have the perpetrators brought to justice, says Serbeze Haxhiaj, journalist for Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) Kosovo during the debate about missing persons held by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights on occasion of International Day of the Disappeared on August 30.

Solidarity with the citizens of Belarus

August 14, 2020 12:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Activists of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights today, with a symbolic action of laying flowers in front of the entrance to the Belarusian Embassy in Belgrade, expressed support for the citizens of Belarus and said that there is no friendship with Lukashenko who sacrifices lives and freedoms to survive forever in power.