Author Archives for YIHR

The glorification of those accused for war crimes is unacceptable always and under any circumstance

November 17, 2020 5:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights sees it as a failure of the “Miredita dobar dan” festival that some of its previous participants have partook recently in a campaign aimed at glorifying those convicted of war crimes and exerting pressure on the work of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office in the Hague. 

Convicted War Criminal Rajko Kozlina Belongs to Prison and not to the Serbian Army

November 11, 2020 6:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights demands that the Ministry of Defence as soon as possible publicise the employment status at the Serbian Army of Rajko Kozlina, convicted for a war crime in the village of Trnje (Kosovo) and – in the event that Kozlina still holds the rank of non-commissioned officer – immediately strip him of the rank pursuant to Article 185 of the Serbian Army Act.