On the International Youth Day, we are warning that young people are paying the highest price of the war-mongering politics; there is great danger that such price will be much higher if Serbia continues to rush into authoritarianism, aggressive nationalism and conflict with everybody in the region.
On June 28-30 2021, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights held the second in a series of trainings titled ‘How to Research and Report on the State of Human Rights’. The trainings are intended for young researchers, offering them an opportunity to learn more about the methods of reporting on human rights.
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia calls on the government of Kosovo and the international missions in Kosovo to do everything in their power in order to prevent the escalation of violence directed at the ethnic Serbian community in Kosovo.
At the anniversary of the crimes in Bradina and Tuzlanska kapija, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Serbia (YIHR Serbia) and Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina (YIHR BiH) are honouring the victims of these crimes, demanding that the judicial authorities in Serbia and BiH fairly and efficiently complete court proceedings, and that political institutions stop the practice of hiding and glorifying war criminals.