Author Archives for YIHR

Joint appeal by members of civil society organizations to leaders from Kosovo and Serbia on their upcoming meeting on March 18, on the proposed agreement by the European Union (EU) for normalizations of relations

March 16, 2023 1:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

We, the undersigned members of the civil society, through this joint letter appeal to leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to accept and sign the agreement proposed by the European Union (EU), as well as reach a compromise on the implementation annex at their upcoming meeting on March 18, 2023.

YIHR Serbia submitted a request for the removal of more than 300 murals and graffiti dedicated to Ratko Mladić

March 13, 2023 11:40 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR Serbia) submitted 308 requests to the communal services of 10 cities and municipalities in Serbia, requesting them to remove murals, symbols, and graffiti of the convicted war criminal Ratko Mladić. Communal services are legally obligated to remove murals and graffiti dedicated to Ratko Mladić and all other graffiti spreading hate, such as the Z sign. 

Women’s voices for peace in Serbia and Kosovo

March 9, 2023 12:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

On International Women’s Day, civil society from Kosovo and Serbia are united in their calls for more women’s voices to be heard in the normalisation process. The signatories also voiced their concerns about the failure to incorporate gender-specific considerations into the various dialogue agreements and, in particular, the Agreement on the path to normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia.

YIHR Offices attacked on Sunday

February 20, 2023 11:37 am Published by Leave your thoughts

On Sunday, 19th of February, at approximately 16.35, a group of young men was passing by our office windows, when one of them vandalized our windows by spraying them with black can paint. Luckily, no one was injured during the attack. We demand that the authorities immediately investigate and process of the culprit, to stop the evident vandalism of far-right extremist groups and the demolition of the walls and facades of Belgrade, as well as other cities across the country. Futhermore we urge the authorities to prosecute the individuals who have continously, particularly in the last 24 hours, sent severe threats to activists and civilians on social media (publicly and privately).