
Remembering the Victims of the Attack on the Nis-Express Bus Near Podujevo

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the crimes against civilians on the Nis Express bus in Livadice near Podujevo, when 12 Serb civilians were killed and 10 others wounded.

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Convicted War Criminal Rajko Kozlina Belongs to Prison and not to the Serbian Army

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights demands that the Ministry of Defence as soon as possible publicise the employment status at the Serbian Army of Rajko Kozlina, convicted for a war crime in the village of Trnje (Kosovo) and – in the event that Kozlina still holds the rank of non-commissioned officer – immediately strip him of the rank pursuant to Article 185 of the Serbian Army Act. 

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Ministry of Defence to Protect Citizens from Pandemic, not to Promote War Criminal Pavković

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights condemns the announcement on the official website of the Ministry of Defence of Serbia of an interview titled “General Nebojša Pavković: Vučić is Creating Modern Army” which a convicted war criminal Nebojša Pavković gave to the “Vesti” paper.

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Workshop and Open Lecture about NATO Intervention in FRY in Niš

Last weekend, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights organised a two-day educational workshop for young activists and for journalists in Niš within the programme “Truth and Reconciliation in Serbia”.

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