Today begins the second fundraising cycle for our campaign War criminals should be silent, with which we collect funds to pay off a fine in the sum of 450.000 Serbian dinars; the fine eight YIHR activists were sentenced to for disturbing the peace by protesting against convicted war criminal Veselin Šljivančanin.
Youth Initiative for Human Rights activists will never accept a political reality where peace activists and human rights defenders are silenced, while war criminals are glorified and protected by the entire state apparatus – the President, government, public attorney’s office, courts and local self-government.
The Misdemeanour Court in Ruma, department in Indjija, convicted 8 activists of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights for violating the Law on Public Order and Peace to fines of 50,000 dinars, for protesting at an event in Beska, where a convicted war criminal Veselin Sljivancanin was a speaker, by unfurling the banner “War criminals to remain silent, in order for victims to speak out” and blowing whistles.
The first preparatory hearing on charges brought by three activists of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights against the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) was held today before the Third Basic Court in Belgrade.