Dear friends, We need your support in our legal battle against hate speech and in defense of the “Mirdita, Dobar Dan!” festival. Recent attacks have led to the unlawful banning of the festival, jeopardizing our efforts to enhance cultural exchange and reconciliation between the people of Kosovo and Serbia.

Since 2014, the “Mirdita, Dobar Dan!” festival has been a key event for fostering connections through art and dialogue, inspired by Bekim Fehmiu, well known for promoting cultural unity in our region. This event specifically addresses relations between people from Serbia and Kosovo, using art, dialogue, and cultural exchange to promote unity, solidarity, compassion, and a safe space for discussing post-war traumas from both sides of history.

That being said, we have been targeted by aggressive far-right political movements, groups, and individuals who have used threats, violence, protests, and illegal procedures to prevent the festival from taking place on its scheduled opening day.

Who are we?

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) is a regional network of non-governmental organizations active since 2003 in the former Yugoslavia. We are dedicated to core values: truth, justice, accountability, equality, freedom, democracy, and peace.

We advocate for lasting peace in the region through confronting the past and fostering cooperation among countries and people. We reject war-mongering rhetoric and emphasize the importance of respecting facts and condemning crimes committed during the wars in the former Yugoslavia. Through educational programs on wartime legacies, we encourage dialogue on the democratic development of societies, particularly among young people in the region.

Despite challenges this year, our mission remains steadfast. We aim to continue providing a platform for cultural exchange, artistic expression, and critical thinking. Building bridges between communities that share a desire for peaceful coexistence and prosperity. Our goal is to inspire mutual understanding and respect, countering all forms of hatred and intolerance.

Please join our initiative to protect fundamental rights and freedoms, including freedom of expression and assembly. Donations we receive will be used for legal expenses and engaging lawyers to fight the injustice that has befallen our festival.

Donation link:

Your support will continue to be crucial in this important fight for justice and respect for cultural diversity. You can follow our projects and efforts here:






If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Zorana Milovanović, Development Manager at the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, via email at [email protected].

Thank you for your dedication to building a fairer and safer society.